7 Ways to Feel Younger

Time is flying by. Do you realize you and I are older than we’ve ever been— and younger than we’ll ever be again.

I tell my friends, “I am a teenager trapped in an aging body.” It is hard for me to realize I am 66 years young and I have been in evangelistic ministry for 49 years!

The years have been a patient teacher showing me ways to stay young.

1. KEEP THE FAITH AND SEEK A FRESH INFILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. As long as you are confident in God, you will feel energized. Remember God is faithful and He is watching over you. Nothing can separate you from the love of God—and you will have a fantastic finish if you keep the faith. Jesus said we would receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon us. (See Acts 1:8.) So find a church or Bible study where you can praise and worship God openly.

A fresh breeze of heaven blowing on your soul will refresh you immensely.

Many partners from all over the U.S. and Canada have visited our Celebration Ministry Center in Minneapolis. They have enjoyed the moving of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God. The songs and sermons and Spirit refilling have renewed their energies.

2. FORGIVE THOSE WHO HAVE HURT YOU. This includes your parents, spouse, children or so-called friends. There’s nothing you can change that has already been done against you, so forgive them and stop asking why and saying… “I could have, would have, and should have.” It’s sapping your energy. Forgive them for your own sake— not theirs.

3. STAY ON THE CUTTING EDGE. Keep learning new things. Read, read, read. Take a college course. Try something new. Don’t be afraid to change. New ideas and activities bring new life.

4. LIVE HEALTHY. Watch your diet. Coffee, caffeine, sugar, starch and fatty foods in excess will make you feel sluggish and old. Limit your intake of these foods and be careful not to use too much salt. I am not a food fanatic, but I have discovered that diet is important.

Exercise regularly. Connie and I used to run a mile or more – now we walk the mile – but experts say it produces the same results. One nutritionist tells her clients to walk half an hour three times a week—keeping the pace as if they are late for an appointment.

5. CONTINUE PRAYING FOR YOUR LOST LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS. Actively share your faith with them. Knowing you are placing them in God’s hands can alleviate a lot of stress related to premature aging.

6. KEEP A POSITIVE AND LOVING ATTITUDE. You can do this by being grateful to God and others for what they have done for you. Praise God for everything (because God will use the bad things in your life to make you better). Helping others with an act of kindness, a caring word, a loving note or hug (even a funny joke) can boost another person’s morale and you will feel the presence of God when this happens. What a great infusion of joy and well-being this brings.

7. WIN OTHERS TO CHRIST. There is nothing more rejuvenating than seeing a lost soul arise from darkness and enter into the light and life of Christ. Hallelujah! This makes my spirit and energy soar.

Remember, you want to leave a living legacy. Things come and go – but PEOPLE LAST FOREVER.

Connie and I thank you for supporting our soul-winning ministry that continues bringing people to Jesus (around 500 since January 1). With God’s help and your prayers, we will soon be running around 2,000 per weekend in attendance at Celebration Ministry Center.

We are also thankful for our partners who are remembering this evangelistic ministry in their wills. Be assured Celebration Ministry Center will continue winning the lost for many years to come.

Recently I ran across a book with an unusual title, “One Thing We Will Not Be Able to Do in Heaven.” The answer is, “Win lost souls to Jesus Christ.”

Today is going to disappear but the precious people we win to the Lord will be with us forever in eternity.

Don’t give in to the aches and pains of aging, but set your sight on heaven and you will be energized to do more than ever before.